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  • : Jesus is the Healer!
  • : Site ayant pour but de découvrir ensemble Jésus qui guérit des maladies physiques comme psychologiques. Ma vie est en elle-même un témoignage. Il mŽa guérit de bien des maladies et peut aussi te guérir.
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Top Chrétien Francophone



13 mai 2008 2 13 /05 /mai /2008 22:00
Les blessures d'un ami prouvent sa fidélité, Mais les baisers d'un ennemi sont trompeurs. (Proverbes 27: 6)
Je profite de l'occasion pour dire qu'aujourd'hui est le dernier jour de mes 28 ans. Demain, Mercredi le 14 Mai, j'aurai 29 ans.
Je remercie mon Papa Chéri pour mes 28 ans passées. Je Le remercie pour les blessures qu'Il m'a souvent causé qui prouvent Sa fidélité et Son amour pour moi.
Merci Papa, je Te remercie infiniment et je T'aime.
Eugénie de Jésus.
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9 mai 2008 5 09 /05 /mai /2008 15:16

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20 avril 2008 7 20 /04 /avril /2008 03:18


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21 mars 2008 5 21 /03 /mars /2008 17:58

A l'occasion de l'anniversaire du ministère, la soeur Cynthia a écrit un poème que je partage avec vous. 

                            Nous te disons merci

Cette histoire a commencé ce jour où tu as jeté cette graine
Cette graine que tu as jeté sur  une terre

Plus petite que toutes les autres graines, tu l’as fait grandir

Oui comme l’éclair qui circule en une seconde dans le ciel

De même tu en  as fait avec « Jesus is The Healer »

Nous te bénissons pour cette histoire.


Cette graine que tu as jetée n’est pas tombée sur n’importe quelle terre

Mais sur celle que tu avais déjà préparée et elle n'a pas porté un seul fruit

Mais elle a porté un, deux, trois, quatre, cent, mil… comme tu le dis dans ta Parole

Ta Parole qui est vraie. Cette histoire plein d’aventures avec toi est si merveilleuse

Cette histoire, cette page nouvelle court vers son but fixé et elle ne vient que commencer

Car  tant d’âmes  tu as poussé à la conversion, tant de fois tu  changé et renouvelé notre homme intérieur  et nos mauvais caractères

 Transformé nos faiblesses, tant de fois  tu as nourris dans les débats sur le forum

 Fortifié par les témoignages puissants des uns et des autres,  délivré

Des cachots, des chaînes de l’esclavage, tu as fait et continue à imposer ta justice dans nos vies, dans le ministère.


Seigneur ! Oui, il y a tellement à  dire sur ce que tu as fait

Mais la plus grande et magnifique, là où tu m’as gagné

C’est la magnificence de Ta puissance à amener des âmes à la repentance à distance

Oui, j’avoue que tu es vraiment  un « Dieu de Distance « 

Cette graine si petite, tu l’as fait poussé et tu l’as rendue la plus grande

Elle perdue au milieu de toute la grande forêt, tu l’as rendue visible

Tu l’as élevée et des cœurs t’ont vu, se sont repentis et t’ont  reconnu comme Dieu

Oui moi-même j’ai encore confirmé que tu es Dieu.


Nous te bénissons ! Tel est le chant de nos cœurs car nous savons que ce n’est qu’un début

Que ce n’est qu’un avant-goût

Donnes au ministère d’atteindre le prochain niveau

Donnes au ministère de ne pas perdre de vue la vision

Donnes lui de grandir davantage, de rester éveillé car les jours sont très mauvais.

Donnes lui de rechercher toujours tes intérêts et non les nôtres, de rechercher ta gloire et non la nôtre

Je te prie de tout cœur de bénir sincèrement les responsables de « Jesus is The Healer »

Et de nous donner de les porter chaque jour que t’as crée dans nos prières afin

D’achever avec toi cette page, cette histoire que nous avons commencée

Et de déclarer que « nous avons avec Toi fait le bon travail ».




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16 mars 2008 7 16 /03 /mars /2008 01:37


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15 février 2008 5 15 /02 /février /2008 22:19


voici deux images qui representent une realite du monde en ce qui concerne l'explication de la masculinite et de la feminite.  Dans les deux cas nous voyons l'homme dominateur et la femme vulnerable. Ceci est une realite qui est tres souvent representee dans les films hollywodiens et dans les images de magazine. 

Les liens pour visualiser les images: Intra-diegetic 1 et intra-diegetic 2 

L'une semble plus douce et l'autre assez brutale. 

J'ai quelques questions:

Quelle est d'apres vous l'image qui depeint mieux et ceci d'apres votre experience l'image de la relation  homme - femme?

Quelle est d'apres vous l'image ideale de la relation qu'il devrait y avoir entre un homme et une femme?

Sinon pensez vous qu'aucune des images representees n'est ideale pour une relation homme-femme?

Pensez vous qu'il y'a au travers de cette image une part de realite sur la relation homme-femme voulue par Dieu?

L'une et / ou l'autre de ces images peut pousser une femme a detester les hommes et j'invite a participer a un sujet dans le forum Je déteste les hommes

Que le Seigneur vous benisse!


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10 février 2008 7 10 /02 /février /2008 22:53

When there is no issue!




Many have found themselves in a situation similar to a labyrinth, looking for an exit. This could be in their spiritual life, a situation at the work place, in their home, …in a situation like this, it is easy to find himself confused in his spirit because you don’t know where to go. One may feel as if he is in jail. The fear never to exit the labyrinth seizes you and you become captive. Some people in such a situation do not try to find how they did to find themselves in the labyrinth in order to know how to exit, they rather start as soon as possible to find the exit. Others become easily tired, cry unto their fate, and do not make any kind of effort except the effort to wait patiently their death. Looking a way of exit is an important alternative that has to be praised, but it is not the right way because you cannot exit a place when you don’t know how you did to come in. And cry unto your fate is nothing less than cowardice.


In general, we find ourselves in a labyrinth when there is something wrong in our relationship with God, or when we rip the fruits of a bad seed we sow in our lives without making repentance and bearing the consequences of our sin. I am saying that because the Word of God says in Romans 10: 11  “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame”

If someone starts everything in his life with God, plans and builds everything with God, there is no reason for God to put him in a labyrinth because God is Faithful to His word.


Trying to exit the labyrinth without knowing how you got into may be successful in the sense that you can really exit it, but do not deceive yourself; if you exit it, you will come into another labyrinth which will be wider and more complicated than the first one and your situation will be worst.


It happens sometimes that when we are looking for an exit, God who loves us so much, and knows that we will not be able to face the worst situation of a wider and more complicated labyrinth, prevent us from moving out of the labyrinth. He does everything to complicate the exit, so that all our efforts to come out will be in vain. He can even prevent men to help us in this situation and all these with one intention which is to catch our attention, so that we can turn ourselves to Him, look for His face, listen to His voice in order to let His Word transform our mind, transform our habits and open our eyes over the reasons why we find ourselves in the labyrinth. It is at this moment and only at this moment that we will know how to find the way out, and we will know how to escape a wider and more complicated labyrinth.


As for the one who prefer to cry unto his fate, I invite him to read this article “You are not a victim”


When we do not want to seek the face of God in order to understand what brought you into the labyrinth, it may happen a situation which can happen to everyone; that is a situation where even those that God has nothing reproach may find themselves. For this kind of persons, God may be willing to form a new character. The situation I am talking about is a situation where you find yourself between four walls where the issues become locked. And as if it was not sufficient, the doors which were formerly locked become walls and you find yourself in a position where you cannot come in, nor come out. No one can help you; you are here alone with your God, who is sited on His throne, is observing you and is waiting that you express the fact that you need Him, and that you let him take care of the situation; on the other sides, there is the devil who is waiting that you lay your life forever in his hand on order to be eternally lost as he is. You will probably tell me that this situation is terrible, but allow me to tell you that you can still live in it because very soon you will discover a worst situation: which is to see the four walls moving, approaching you as if you are going to be crushed by them. I will say here that this situation is really unpleasant and horrible. It is a situation where the coolest man will do nothing else that to panic and ask the question to know what to do, and how to do. In this situation, there is no sleep, no peace, no laugh, and no life. It is really hell on earth. You may have the impression that you are seeing you life disappearing in live.


Because I have experienced this kind of situation many times before, I know that it is true that the walls are moving and approaching as if I am going to be crashed by them, but it is an illusion to think that I will really be crashed by them because God will never allow it if our heart is clean before Him. That is if our consciousness testifies that we have nothing to reproach to ourselves before God and before men. It is even written in Psalm 91: 12 they will lift you up in their hands,
       so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.


It is an illusion to believe that your debts will kill you even if the bills are exorbitant and your bank account is under a minus.


It is an illusion to believe that gossips on your account will prevent you to move forward and achieve your objectives because of the bad reputation that the gossips will generate.


It is an illusion to believe that you will never achieve what the Lord is expecting from you because some men who look more powerful than you are trying to prevent you to make it.


It is an illusion to believe that there is no reason to live because you think that you have lost everything.


Believe me, everything is just illusions.


Every time that I went into this kind of situation, I have understood that no matter what happen, issues which are locked will finally be opened with supplementary issues. After realizing that the issues finally opened themselves, I asked the question to know what I am gaining on turning up and down because I am scared, anxious, … when the walls approached me as if I am going to be crushed by them. It really does not help me to do that because I am spending energy for nothing important. I have understood in fact that what the Lord is waiting for me is to be calm, seek His face through His Word, in order to gain some energy; as it is written in Isaiah 30: 15-16 “15 This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
       "In repentance and rest is your salvation,
       in quietness and trust is your strength,
       but you would have none of it.

 16 You said, 'No, we will flee on horses.'
       Therefore you will flee!
       You said, 'We will ride off on swift horses.'
       Therefore your pursuers will be swift!”


In fact, those moments are created to call you for a spiritual refresh. This spiritual refresh is important because it will allow you to close the breach that you have opened to the devil in a moment of your life (for those who did), it enables you to fortify your spirit and prepare yourself to beat the devil who is going to do you a great harm at the moment that you are going to move out from this four walls in which you find yourself. It also enables you to learn to recognize God’s voice and to know the way God wants you to take in order to please Him.


Indeed, during the moment where you are locked in the four walls which are approaching you, you will need to know which way to take when the supplementary issues will be opened.  This is because among the supplementary issues that will be opened some will come from the enemy, and in general there are the firsts, while only one door is from God. And for all Christians who want to please God, it is the door opened by God that has to be taken. However, be assured that if during the moment that the walls were approaching you as if there were going to crush you, you did not spend a quality time with God, it will be easy for you to take the wrong door because you are under fear and the only thing you want at this moment is to come out of there at all costs, but not come out when and how God wants you to come out. It is clear that take the issue opened by the devil means take a fatal issue. It is then that you can better understand Isaiah 30: 15-16 “15 This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
       "In repentance and rest is your salvation,
       in quietness and trust is your strength,
       but you would have none of it.

 16 You said, 'No, we will flee on horses.'
       Therefore you will flee!
       You said, 'We will ride off on swift horses.'
       Therefore your pursuers will be swift!”



So, no matter difficult the situation in which you find yourself may be, if you have the impression that the doors are closing, and you find yourself in the middle of four walls which approach you as if they are going to crush you, please have the humility, even if you have the impression that you have nothing to reproach to yourself, to approach God and ask Him if there is something to change in your Christian life style, repent also in front of God and in front of men, if He shows you something. Search God’s face to know how to deal with the situation, learn to listen to the Sweet voice of the Holy Spirit so that He may lead you to do God’s Will in your life.



In the peace and love of Christ,



Eugenie of Jesus.


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10 février 2008 7 10 /02 /février /2008 21:37

You are not a victim!



“It is up to you to decide to be a victim of this deception or to refuse it.” This is the statement that I have made one day to a woman in her early 30’s woman; she was victim of a serious love deception by a pastor. It was simply unbelievable that she could be a victim of love deception from this pastor that she respected so much.


By telling her that she has the right to refuse to be a victim, I did not intend to ask her to deny the pains caused by the deception because deny the pains means telling lies, and it prevents from getting totally healed from it.


Sorrows of life, mourning, persecutions, failures, abuses, are mountains in our lives which lead us sometimes to feel that we are victim of a system, if not, victim of a kind favoritism from God.


When we find ourselves ugly in comparison to someone else for example, or when we find that someone has more success in life than us, we may have the feelings that others have privileges in the eyes of God than others, which is not true.


By reading the Bible and discovering the examples of the prophets who have suffered, I came to the conclusion that “ Every time that I will see something disgusting, I won’t flee from it; instead I will look for the beauty that the disgusting thing may hide; and this is only possible through God.” Indeed, I came to realize that every disgusting thing has an unspeakable and invaluable beauty which is just waiting to be discovered.


The case of Jesus is an interesting one. Before his birth, he was presented by God to his parents as the one who will save His people. However, events which happened at his birth may let someone think that he was a kid victim of a curse. First of all he was born in a pigsty in the middle of straw with shepherd as first visitors. How come God could not make that Mary gives birth to His First and Only Son in a hotel instead of an unattractive place? As it was not enough, his parents have to flee to Egypt, the country where his ancestors were slaves, and because of him (Jesus), kids who had less than 2 years of the place where he was born got killed.


If his parents became tired and decided to abandon him, Mary his mother would not have had the privilege to witness his first miracle. Anyway, all these things which happened at Jesus’ birthday could not let someone foresee that He was the Son of the Living God, and that he is going to heal sick people. 


In addition to all these, we should not forget his death. This is how his death has been described by the prophet Isaiah:


Isaiah 53: 1 Who has believed our message

       and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?

 2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,

       and like a root out of dry ground.

       He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,

       nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.

 3 He was despised and rejected by men,

       a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.

       Like one from whom men hide their faces

       he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

 4 …,

       yet we considered him stricken by God,

       smitten by him, and afflicted.

7 He was oppressed and afflicted,

       yet he did not open his mouth;

       he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,

       and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,

       so he did not open his mouth.

 8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away.

       And who can speak of his descendants?

       For he was cut off from the land of the living;

      for the transgression of my people he was stricken. 

 9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,

       and with the rich in his death,

       though he had done no violence,

       nor was any deceit in his mouth.

 10 Yet it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer,

       and though the LORD makes his life a guilt offering,

       he will see his offspring and prolong his days,

       and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.


If you are complaining that you have no beauty, tell to yourself that Jesus also had no beauty despite the fact that he was the Son of God. If you complain that some people did not respect you, tell to yourself that Jesus’ case was worst than yours despite the fact that He was and he is God, has healed sick people, and has accomplished a lot of miracles; he was denied by his own people.

If you complain that God has forsaken you, and some people even tell you that you are the last person God may think about, tell to yourself that Jesus was abandoned by God. He even shouted on the cross: "My God, my God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?"


If you have been mistreated humiliated, abused by people that you loved and who were supposed to protect you, tell to yourself that Jesus experienced it more than you; he did till death.

Jesus has been a victim of more things than us, and if someone looked at his misfortune, he could not imagine that behind this misery an inestimable treasure was hiding itself. This is what the prophet says,

Isaiah 53: “10 Yet it was the LORD's will to crush him and cause him to suffer,

       and though the LORD makes his life a guilt offering,

       he will see his offspring and prolong his days,

       and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.

 11 After the suffering of his soul,

       he will see the light of life and be satisfied ;

       by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many,

       and he will bear their iniquities.

 12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, 

       and he will divide the spoils with the strong, 

       because he poured out his life unto death,

       and was numbered with the transgressors.

       For he bore the sin of many,

       and made intercession for the transgressors.”

The apostle Paul talking about Jesus even said in Philippians 2:6-11,

“6Who, being in very nature[a] God,

      did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

 7but made himself nothing,

      taking the very nature[b] of a servant,

      being made in human likeness.

 8And being found in appearance as a man,

      he humbled himself

      and became obedient to death—

         even death on a cross!

 9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

      and gave him the name that is above every name,

 10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

      in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

      to the glory of God the Father.”

With the course of time, I have discovered that the suffering of a man is only vain if he gives up and refuses to submit his life into God’s hands because every suffering or mountains of life have a hidden mine of gold and diamonds. And we have to know that the mountains of our lives can only be smoothed by the Holy Spirit as it is written in Zacharias 4:6-7: “6 So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.

 7 "What [a] are you, O mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of 'God bless it! God bless it!' " ” David also said in Psalm 97: 5 “The mountains melt like wax before the LORD,

       before the Lord of all the earth.”


As I was saying above, refusing to be a victim does not mean that someone has to deny the pains and to deny the fact that he is facing a mountain. This is because the Lord wants to strengthen us in front of this mountain so that with the power of His Spirit we could be able to melt the mountain like a wax and discover the mine of gold and diamonds it hides. If we want the Lord to fortify us, then we have to cry unto him. Although Jesus was the Son of God, he did it when he was on pains. So why should not we do the same thing? As Jesus, we should cry unto God, but cry with respect and submission in front of our Heavenly Father, not as if He is obliged to do something, but with the aim to look and do His Will. (See Lucas 22. 42-43: “"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." 43An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.”)

It is important not to stay in a constant lamentation state, but we have to remember that we are called to be heroes as it is said in Judges 5: 13 "Then the men who were left

       came down to the nobles;

       the people of the LORD

       came to me with the mighty.”

So where others have given up, or have triumphed, we have to triumph better, so that the glory will be given to God and His name exalted among the nations; for we live not for us anymore, but for Him.


This is to say, after crying, shouting to God, seeking His face to discover His Will in this state of suffering in which we find ourselves, and after having accepted to be a perfect instrument for His Kingdom; for we are not from here, but for the Jerusalem of heaven, and we will go back to where we belong when the Lord Jesus will come back; since our great hope and great joy is to see Him, he have to accept to suffer at least a bit on earth in order to be elevated when the time will come.

Jesus knew why he had to suffer so much, and despite the pains he had, he had refused to remain a victim. He had refused to remain in anxiety, but he woke up after crying to God and praying for His (Father’s) Will to be done. He knew that through the suffering he was facing, he will be called the Hero of heroes. 


We should have the same thought as Jesus in front of difficulties. We should shout to God, pray in order to receive His power which will strengthen us in a way that we will stand firm in front of any kind of storm, and His Spirit will melt like wax the mountains of our lives.

When I sometimes look at my past and the suffering I went through, I bless the Lord for the fact that I have not remained a victim all my life. It was unbelievable to think that behind this mountain of problems of multiple rapes, abandon of the family when I was facing my miseries, illnesses, and suicides attempts a mine of gold and diamonds was hiding itself. But everyday, I discover and enjoy the happiness of the treasure I found when I came out from my state of victim that I was, to come into a state of heroin for Jesus.


Some will ask me the question to know which kinds of mine of gold and diamonds I have found. Because I want each one to have his own experience with Jesus, I prefer to keep it from me.


In love,


Eugenie of Jesus


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22 janvier 2008 2 22 /01 /janvier /2008 16:05

Le faux zèle d´Eugénie



Pendant une bonne partie de ma vie j’ai souffert d’un sérieux complexe d’infériorité. Les critiques incessantes de mes proches avaient fait naître en moi l’impression d’être bonne à rien. J’étais meurtrie à l’intérieur de moi, je ne savais pas ce que je valais. Quel que soit ce que je faisais, c’était nul et ça ne valait pas la peine.


En 2002, j’ai commencé le travail d’entraide spirituelle sur internet. Le responsable d’un ministère m’avait découverte dans un forum et avait vu que j’avais des compétences pour faire de l’entraide spirituelle, et pour la première fois j’étais appréciée d’une façon particulière pour le travail que je faisais. Il est vrai qu’au Cameroun (mon pays d’origine) j’avais des responsabilités spirituelles, et j’étais aussi appréciée, mais pas comme j’ai commencé à être appréciée lorsque j’ai commencé ce travail. J’étais tellement appréciée que j’avais pris goût aux remarques des autres sur le travail que je faisais, et c’est là que j’ai eu un jour le désir de ne pas me marier afin de servir Dieu. L’éloge des autres avait fait naître en moi un zèle, un faux zèle. Dans ce désir que j’avais de ne pas me marier afin de servir Dieu, se cachait en fait le désir de servir les hommes afin qu’ils me louent encore plus. Je venais de découvrir que je pouvais être une personne avec du talent, je venais de découvrir que j’avais de l’éloquence, de la compassion, de l’attention, ce que les gens aiment. Tous ces dons fascinaient certaines personnes et me donnaient l’impression d’être importante. Ca tuait ce complexe d’infériorité et faisait naître un complexe de supériorité que je ne voyais pas venir car j’avais réussi sans me rendre compte à l’assimiler à un faux zèle qui était de ne pas me marier pour servir Dieu (en fait si je regardais bien ce n’était pas servir Dieu, mais servir mon orgueil).


Je me souviens qu’à partir de ce jour où j’ai eu ce désir de ne pas me marier, le mariage a commencé à me désintéresser même si je ne l’exprimais pas clairement. Ce qui me dérangeait était le fait que si je ne me mariais pas, je ne pourrais pas avoir d’enfants vu que j’étais chrétienne. Alors, je m’efforçais à l’idée de me marier pour au moins avoir des enfants, jusqu’au jour où le faux zèle était tellement fort que j’ai carrément décidé de sacrifier le désir d’être mère pour faire plaisir à Dieu et servir son peuple. C’est alors là que Dieu m’a fait savoir qu’Il voudrait que je me marie. Ca a été une bagarre entre Dieu et moi pour que j’accepte l’idée du mariage. Pour faire plaisir à Dieu, parce que je ne peux rien lui refuser, j’ai accepté l’idée du mariage mais sans le vouloir vraiment. J’ai souvent prié pour la question du mariage, et j’ai même souvent demandé aux frères et sœurs de prier pour moi pour la question de mariage, mais c’était dans le désir de faire la volonté de Dieu qui voulait que je me marie, en fait, de me forcer à accepter la volonté de Dieu. Bien que Dieu m’ait convaincue sur le besoin de me marier, la semence du faux zèle dans mon cœur  me rendait vraiment réticente au mariage. Pour faire plaisir à Dieu je voulais me marier, mais pour moi je voulais être célibataire.


Il y a de cela à peine une semaine j’ai ouvert mon cœur à une sœur sur le fait que je ne voulais pas me marier en fait. Elle a pensé que je ne voulais pas me marier à cause des déceptions. Je ne pouvais pas comme elle dire que je ne voulais pas me marier à cause des déceptions, mais je savais que la question du mariage ne m’intéressait pas. Je ne savais pas pourquoi, mais je savais que je ne voulais vraiment pas me marier. Je savais en tout cas que ça ne devait pas être une question de déception car j’ai pardonné à tous les hommes qui dans ma vie m’ont blessée d´une façon ou d´une autre. Je leur ai pardonné au point où si l’un d’eux (même une de ceux qui m´a violé) vient demander ma main et que Dieu me dit que c’est mon mari, je fais confiance en Dieu pour ma vie et mon mariage pour croire qu’Il est assez Puissant pour transformer le cœur de l’homme le plus amer. S’Il a pu transformer mon cœur, alors Il peut aussi transformer le cœur de tous ceux qui m’ont fait mal dans ma vie et si je prie pour que Dieu les touche (ce que je fais), alors je devrais être capable de croire que Dieu le fait. Je ne ressentais pas dans mon coeur que c’était les déceptions. A ce moment, j’ai fait une courte prière devant Dieu pour mon désir de ne pas me marier qui est contraire au Sien en Lui demandant de m’en débarrasser. Apres avoir fait cette prière, je me suis revue dans la première fois où ce désir de ne pas me marier a surgi dans mon esprit et je me suis souvenue des motivations que j’avais pour ne pas me marier. J’ai voulu ignorer cette image, mais elle persistait dans mon esprit et c’était là où je me suis rendue compte que je venais de voir le problème qui me poussait à fuir le mariage dans mon cœur depuis des années. A cet instant, j’ai reconnu mon péché et mon faux zèle devant Dieu et devant la sœur avec qui je m’entretenais. J’avais honte de me rendre compte que je pouvais encore avoir ce genre de problème, et j’avoue que je me suis moquée de moi et je me suis bien moquée de ma chair et de son sale désir de se servir faisant croire qu’elle veut servir Dieu. Tout ça était pour dire un jour : « j’ai sacrifié le désir de me marier pour servir Dieu ! » C’est une attitude qui me poussera à avoir la gloire et l’honneur des hommes, qui n’est que souillure devant mon Père.


Papa, je viens devant ton Saint trône te demander pardon au nom de ton Fils le Seigneur Jésus Christ pour ce faux zèle qui habitait en moi. Je te demande pardon de l’avoir entretenu pendant autant d’années dans mon cœur. Je te demande pardon Père, je te demande pardon au nom de Jésus Christ ton Fils Bien Aimé. Et je te demande en retour mon doux Papa, d’arracher toute forme de faux zèle dans ma vie, dans mon cœur et dans le ministère que tu m’as confié, je te supplie d’arracher toute forme d’orgueil, Seigneur, je demande la mort de toute forme d’orgueil dans ma vie au nom de Jésus, je demande l’exposition de toutes formes d’orgueil dans ma vie au nom de Jésus afin que toi seul soit élevé dans ma vie et dans le ministère que Tu m’as confié. Je demande dans ma vie et le ministère que tu m’as confié, l’humilité de Christ, le zèle de Christ, la compassion de Christ, l’ amour de Christ, la vie de Christ, la sainteté de Christ, la vie de prière de Christ, l’ unité que Christ a avec toi,… Je te rends grâce Eternel pour ce que tu m’exauces au nom de ton Fils le Seigneur Jésus Christ j’ai prié ainsi,


Ta princesse Eugénie,


Amen !


P.S. Je ne voudrais pas, je vous en prie et supplie, que certaines personnes pensent que je remets en question les refus de demandes de mariage que j´ai déjà eu à faire jusqu’ à présent ; la seule chose que je remets en question ici est mon zèle, et ceci, dans le but d’exposer au maximum l’orgueil dans ma vie afin de voir mon Père s´y élever.




Eugénie de Jésus.

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