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  • : Jesus is the Healer!
  • : Site ayant pour but de découvrir ensemble Jésus qui guérit des maladies physiques comme psychologiques. Ma vie est en elle-même un témoignage. Il mŽa guérit de bien des maladies et peut aussi te guérir.
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Top Chrétien Francophone



26 août 2007 7 26 /08 /août /2007 20:02


Face it!


It happens most of the time when we are going through a difficult phase of our life, where we know that we just need to say the truth to go forward, that we hide ourselves behind lies, revolts and angers which don’t help. The Pride and the fear to say to the world who we are, does not allow us to open our mouth in order to say loud for the liberation of our soul that we were wrong and that we repent for our misdeeds. In order to appear strong and above others, we just continue to misbehave more and more, taking, by doing so, the risk to expose the identity that we are making all effort to hide.

It is sad to realize that men like to put themselves in jail, or tie themselves with lies.  Pretend to be what they are not in order to catch the attention of others and be accepted by them. If only we knew that the best way to attract people with value is simply to be ourselves. The mask is an object that many men use because they hate the reflection of their face in the mirror. They know that their face is dirty, has a lot of pustules and have found in wearing mask and telling lies, allies with the intention to have “friends”, who like them feel badly because of the appearance of their face, or have difficulties to love and accept themselves as they are. That is why they use masks and lies in order to feel integrated in a society which conditions people to be false, helps them to hate themselves and to love what belongs to the neighbor. In fact, they don’t realize that what they appreciate in the neighbor who is a “friend” is not his real face, but his masks and his lies.

The society becomes like an exposition’s hall of the best masks and exposé of best lies, and no one despite the time that he gives to have the best mask, or to build the best lies is proud of his own, but continues to envy the one of his neighbor.

Can you realize that there is a chain of non sense problems in which people put themselves in? Who is who? No one looks like himself! No one equals himself, but everyone is the copy of someone who is himself another copy of another one. All this is because one refuses to see his pustules on his face. 

May no one expect from me that I will tell him that there are no pustules on his face and that his face is clean! I will keep myself to say it because I know that it won’t be the truth at the point that if you even try to convince yourself, the simple fact that you remove your mask, and go out to meet people will make you face the disgusted glance of others. And you will know at this moment that, by telling you that you have a beautiful and clean face, I lied.

It is true that your face is ugly, full of pustules and dirt. I have to admit that it is more than ugly this face, but it is ugly because you refuse to take care of it. You prefer to take care of your mask like other do. Although you know that this entire cinema creates a lack of peace in your heart, and makes you carry a most heavy load, you continue to refuse to take care of this face which was at the origin beautiful, but that you refused to maintain.

What will you say if I suggest that you first start to look in your heart the memory of this beautiful face without pustules that you earlier had?

What will you say if I suggest that you approach God, and tell him that you miss this face and you desire not just to have it again, but to have a most beautiful and most healthy face? 

What will you say if I suggest that you face the ugliness and pustules of your face by simply removing the mask and stopping with your lies?   

It is clear that when you will start this process of recovering your initial face, you will have people who will feel more than disgusted to see a face so ugly. You will have people who will leave you, or propose that you wear a mask. Some may even invest for you to have the best mask sold on the market, but please use well the strength that God gave you through His Spirit to refuse to fall into this pretense. Rather, continue not just to face the ugliness of your visage, but also the look of others. Be assured that those who find your visage ugly and disgusted are most impressed by the courage that you have to show your face and be freer to reveal it.

They really envy your freedom, and would like to be as you, but they know that it costs a price: the breaking of their ego. And with time, you will discover that the thing which makes your visage be so ugly is the presence of this ego in your life. The more you will pray that God delivers you from ego, and that you also do your best for it not to express itself in your life, or even to exist in your life, the more you will discover every day the amelioration of the quality of your face, the pride and joy to be as God wants you to be. It costs nothing, and brings a lot!

When I say that it costs nothing, you will probably tell me that it costs the fact that you will lose friends. I believe that by saying that you will discover, that if they are friends, they should not go because of an ugly face which is in phase of purification. It helps no one to have friends who encourage him to evolve in lies. For your own health, it is better that you get separated from those kinds of friends and surround yourself with those who like you have taken the decision to get free from masks and pretense.


You will probably tell me that it costs a courage that you don’t have. I have to admit that this time you are right. It costs a courage that you really don’t have. Nevertheless, God has it and gives it to you as a gift if and only if you accept to take it. Be assured that while giving you this courage, He also gives you the instructions of use. Don’t hesitate to take it and to use it well not just for the rest of your soul, but also for the discovery of a healthy, beautiful and glossed face.

Don’t hesitate to believe in the beauty which hides itself in you and don’t allow your ego to destroy it and prevent you from discovering it. 

God gives you for this reason the means to achieve it and also assistance. He will always be near you during the purification of your face and He will make sure that you lack nothing during this moment which will be painful for your ego that for your sake has to disappear.


I love you, but Jesus most!



Eugenie of Jesus




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26 août 2007 7 26 /08 /août /2007 19:59



Die for the one I love!


I would like through the present message to announce you my desire to die for the One that I love.

I have understood that it is the only way for me to testify him my love as Jesus says : « There is no greater love than to die for the one that you love« 

Someone may find stupid my idea to die for him but I know that it is the only way for me to prove him my love. And I know that die for him means:

- Refuse to walk according to my emotions but according to His Spirit

- Understand that I am not intelligent by myself and that I need to be totally renewed in my intelligence because I know that if Daniel did not have a total renewal of his intelligence, he would have doubted about the revelation that God gave him concerning the dream of the King and he could not be able to tell the dream of the king which such a great conviction but we realize that he tells the dream and interprets it with an amazing assurance (Daniel 2:45).

If Isaiah did not have a total renewal of his intelligence he could not have the revelation and believe that the earth is round before that people realize it many years later. And all the divine revelations that are in the bible could not be done because I believe that it is because of the total renewal of his intelligence that the apostle Paul had all the revelations that he had which are still nourishing the souls of many Christians today.

- Don’t look at the suffering of the flesh as a torment but as a blessing because it means that I am finishing day by day a little bit with sins (1 Peter 4: 1)

- Have life and have it in abundance at the point that I become a source of blessing for many because the Holy Spirit lives in me according to John 12: 24.

- It means again: love and love more and more.

Yes I want to die for Jesus; I want to die for you and thank you for the fact that you know already that it can not be possible with my own effort and it is only achievable through the Holy Spirit who fortifies me; so that I could make the pleasure of my Father.
I thank you because you are with me through this process since you know more than me what means to die for someone that we love. You died for me that you love and that is why I believe you will know how to make me die for you that I love.

Thank you Sweet Daddy!

I love You Daddy!

Your princess Eugenie, the lady of your heart!

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23 août 2007 4 23 /08 /août /2007 21:40

The example of Joseph



Joseph was not just a child much loved by his father but by God as well. While he was really young, God gave him dreams which predicted what he is going to be later. That means a man above his brothers. It is really possible that the devil knew the plans that God had for Joseph or else that God is going to use him mightily. One point is sure: His brothers allowed themselves to be used by the devil when they sold their own orphan brother.


The attitude of a normal man who find himself far from home and far from those dreams that let him believed that he will lead will be to be into a great anger against the God of his fathers, to damn Him and take his life into his hands. On the contrary, Joseph continues to be a just man and the Lord was with him. Living with Potiphar where he ascended from the role of a slave to the one of a steward of the house, the Lord blessed Him and Potiphar through him. At this moment of glory, Joseph don’t say to himself that he has reached the peak of the glory and it is better for him to forget this God who has allowed that he becomes separated from his father and his younger brother. On the contrary, he continues to be faithful to him and refuses the advances of his master’s wife because he does not want to sin against God.


 Genesis 39 : 9 No one is greater in this house than I am. My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?"


By showing a so great faithfulness to the Lord, instead of blessing him promptly, the Lord does nothing else than to allow his servant to be put in jail for a fault he did not commit.


 At this moment again, Joseph has all the rights on a human’s point of view to become depressive and damn God. It is amazing to realize that here he is going more far from the prophecies of the dreams he had when he was living with his father. And in addition to this he was just having a good position at Potiphar’s place that he find himself in prison for a crime he did not commit. Someone may really ask what does God finally want from him? What does life expect from him? Sold by his own brothers, and in prison for a non committed crime. “Where is the God of his fathers? Is he asleep?” Someone may understand that God behaves like that if Joseph had sinned; but never! Never was he unfaithful to the God of his fathers!


 I have the impression that it is someone like us who observe the situation who will ask those questions but it seems that it is not the concern of Joseph to ask such questions. On the contrary, as nothing happened, as he has not being hurt, he continues to love God in prison and God continues to bless him.


 In jail, Joseph did not become cold because of trials, Slaves in Egypt , he is not cold with them and in return, they are not also cold with him. The fact that he is interested about the bad mood of the Egyptians prisoners shows his opened heart and that he did not pity himself despite the fact that his situation was not enviable. Here, Joseph uses the gift that God gave him and he did not glorify himself. He still remains confident to the God of his fathers despite the fact that He has not saved him from the catastrophic situations which happened to him.


 Although life has not being particularly, easy for Joseph, he never allowed trials to destroy him or to prevent him to continue to believe that he can reach a great target. Most of the time when life is a succession of trials, we may devalue ourselves and our ambitions are just at the level of our actual social status. We don’t have big dream anymore and we may say to ourselves: “what is the aim to have more if it is to lose again?” But the reaction of Joseph is totally different because he says to the chief cupbearer to whom he interpreted the dream: Genesis 40: 14 But when all goes well with you, remember me and show me kindness; mention me to pharaoh and get me out of this prison.


 Joseph’s target is so high: Pharaoh! We realize through this that he is not afraid to ascend more and fall as it happened to him later and as we know the more the ascension is great, the more the fall is dangerous.


 The fact that he targeted Pharaoh was anyway at his advantage since he finally found himself in front of Pharaoh. In front of Pharaoh, he has the courage to speak about God. Someone may understand that he talks about God to Potiphar’s wife and to the prisoners but not to Pharaoh the keeper of Egyptian’s gods who is also considered as a god himself. This attitude proves that he has a lot of courage and he really depends on his God. Normally, someone in face of such a situation will say : «This is the chance of my life and I don’t have to lose it.«  And we don’t need to be clever to understand that speak about God to Pharaoh and showing him his dependence to God may compromise the chance of our life. But Joseph has another point of view and he has the guts to say to pharaoh: "I cannot do it," Joseph replied to Pharaoh, "but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires." Genesis 41: 16


 And the result is: God lifts him up and pharaoh makes an interesting remark by saying:

 Genesis 41: So Pharaoh asked them, "Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?"  I won’t be surprise that it was the first time that Pharaoh talks about: “God” instead of “the god of” of “a god”, acknowledging by this confession the existence of one God among others and then his gods.


 When we read all this, someone may say that Joseph did not suffer from the exile, and from the fact that he has been sold by his brothers. Someone may really think that he does not suffer anymore but it is not true. The names of his children express the state of his heart and also his attitude when he sees his brothers. He had never forgotten. Let us read: Genesis 42: 9 Then he remembered his dreams about them and said to them, "You are spies! You have come to see where our land is unprotected."




18 On the third day, Joseph said to them, "Do this and you will live, for I fear God: 19 If you are honest men, let one of your brothers stay here in prison, while the rest of you go and take grain back for your starving households. 20 But you must bring your youngest brother to me, so that your words may be verified and that you may not die." This they proceeded to do.

And in the last reference, it appears that he keeps himself to revenge against his brothers because he fears God.

Joseph kept himself to come into a great anger against God because he knew that his brothers were the one responsible of the fact that he was sold and not God. But the fact that despite the trials he remained faithful to God gave the possibility to God to raise him and to change the evil deeds of his brothers into a good one; not just for him, but for his family for Egypt and for the glory of God.



Eugenie L.






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23 août 2007 4 23 /08 /août /2007 17:05

The Romantic God!


Do you know him? Have you met him before?

We talk about a romantic one when it is about someone who is passionate and sentimental.

I have met the romantic God and I can tell you with a great assurance that when it is about romanticism, far from the one of men, His romanticism is constant.

Can you imagine that it is about the Holy God, The one in whom there is nothing impure? And I am a poor woman who has neglected her virginity and has prostituted herself according to what is written in Deuteronomy 22: 21 she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done a disgraceful thing in by being promiscuous while still in her father's house. You must purge the evil from among you. 

Oh yes I am a poor woman in whom it was not supposed to find something good! But God, the Living God who creates the heaven and earth loved me. He loved me while I was impure and no more a virgin. He loved me while I was insulting Him and by taking him as an impotent God. He loved me so much that He decided to lower Himself by coming to me. So humble, He became so small to win my Heart despite the fact that I was a miserable one.

The living God who created the Heaven and the earth wanted to win my heart. He accepted to be insulted, spit, and trampled on the ground, as someone tramples a rose. When He accepted all this humiliation, He still made Himself a rose which can’t be fade taking the precaution to remove the spines, so that they will not hurt me.

So much consideration for the poor and dirty woman that I was! So much honor!

Oh yes, He tried to touch my heart. He went with so much love and passion for me on the cross. He carried my impurity, so that I won’t be impure anymore, and He could share with me His Holiness.

Foolish as I was, I had neglected His sacrifice. I had neglected this great Love and He did not cease to love me. Not at all! Even after this sacrifice, He continued to tell me “I love you Eugenie, I love you with an everlasting love!” Most foolish as I was, I pushed him back, but He staid at the door of my heart; knocked on it and showed me everyday his love and kindness.

One day, because I was tired to carry my heavy load of sins, I accepted to have a conversation with Him and He told me “Eugenie, I love you with an everlasting love! I have created you and everything that you can see on earth and I have never ceased to love you. When you fell into sins, I thought that I won’t let you there because I love you, and I know the power of sins in human being’s life. And I, your Creator, have decided to let all my glory in order to touch your heart. You! Yes, you that I love, and that I love with a passionate love at a point that I died on the cross for you. You have and you will always have a great price in my eyes and you are privileged in my heart my dear Eugenie. And I would like to be your friend. Do you want it also?”

Believe me I succumbed to the charm of God. He was Handsome, elegant and …

Because I had in my past some bad experiences with men who at the beginning of relationship are gallants and romantics, but change at the end, I asked to myself if Jesus will be so romantic with me every day of my Life. Because he read it in my thoughts, he told me “I will be with you and I will always be with you till the end of the world.” After listening that, I decided to abandon myself to Jesus, and as He offered Himself for me, I decided to offer also my life to him: The one who loves me with an everlasting love.



Eugenie of Jesus


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21 août 2007 2 21 /08 /août /2007 22:55


Wow I am 28!


When I think about this day, I was 16 when my heart ceased to beat because life was a great load, my spirit was out of my body, and I saw my body lying in the bed while I was going. I understood then that I was dead; I was leaving those that I loved. When I think how, Sweet Lord, I begged You to put life in my body again, and you did!

When I think again at these states of coma that I had in which I was fighting against death, and how You supported me and gave me life again!

When I think at this period where every rising day was days of praise because I still had the privilege to be among the living!

When I think at these moments where death was calling me and whispered me words, suggesting me to jump from windows of buildings, where the water of seas was calling me to jump into with the intention to drown me, or where a knife was an instrument of fantasy over multiple means that I could use to kill myself!

When I think at this multiple products that I took to give an end to my life!

Yes Lord, when I think that there were many things in my life which worked together to prevent me to have these 28 years! I say: There is really no one like You!

It is now 2 years that I did not experience what means a state of coma, but I am enjoying a perfect health in You,

2 Years that I did not try to kill myself, but I am having a great pleasure to live in your arms of love.

2 Years that I did not listen these voices calling me to kill myself, but where I listen the soft voice of the Holy Spirit telling me I love you Eugenie!

Lord, Thank You for this life that You preserved with a lot of attention! You have protected my life from the death that I wanted to give to myself and that illness wanted to give me.

Normally, at this period, I should be a pile of carcass in a coffin, but I am a young, beautiful lady of 28 who doesn’t just smile at life, but enjoy working with and for You, so that the enemy will tremble everyday that I live because everyday is a day lost for him and won for You.

Daddy! May all the day of my life be a pleasing aroma for You!

May I be an instrument into Your hands!

This is the greatest desire of my heart!

Thank You my Sweet Daddy!

Thank You !


Eugenie of Jesus



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21 août 2007 2 21 /08 /août /2007 21:03


Sweet Daddy


Daddy! Daddy! You are so Good!


You are so Good Daddy, and I am drunk of love for You Sweet Daddy!

Oh yes, Daddy, I am drunk of love for You my Sweet Daddy!

Daddy! I fall at you marvelous feet, and with your Marvelous and Mighty right Hand you lift me up.

I am so drunk of love for You that I can’t stand up. Then, you put Your arms around my waist to support me, so that I won’t fall.

When you sit, You put me on Your knees and because I want to feel the warmth of Your Embrace, I lay my head on your shoulder and my arms around your neck. So I can hear Your breath and hear You whisper to my ears: “I love you my princess Eugenie!”

Daddy, I am so drunk of love for You,

Yes totally drunk of love for You.

I have no reason to envy twins who are born together, grow together and die together or separately because You are my twin who gave birth to me, with whom I grew up, and with whom I will live forever. 

I have no reason to envy those that the mother testifies love and an unfailing attention because my Mother is the God of gods who conceived me, always testified and will always testify me His love, and who more than a mama chicken gave me, give me and will always give me an unfailing attention.

I have no reason to envy those that the father has protected and defended because You are my Father who protects me and defends me for life. You won’t become weak with time. You are the Father who will always be available and Strong for me. Daddy, Your name is the Lord of Hosts and you don’t just defend me, but You also engage in battles for me and there is no father who can do it better than You.

I have no reason to envy those who have brothers and sisters in the flesh who watch over them because You gave me a multitude of brothers and sisters who do not just watch over my physical health, but over my spiritual health as well.

I have nothing to envy to those who have never been raped because I have been raped many times, and I have been also healed many times. In addition, through these rapes and healings, I have discovered that JESUS IS THE HEALER and I can and will through Your Strength, Grace and Love proclaim it all over the world, and be a source of encouragement for Your children.


I have nothing to envy to those who are still virgin in their flesh because I have lost mine and through this lost, I had the grace to discover the one that the Holy Spirit of God gives, You my Sweet Daddy.

I have nothing to envy to those who never missed something to eat because through lack I have discovered Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides. Oh yes Daddy, You always provide for me and this is without fault to all my needs.


I have nothing to envy to those who are already married because during the time that I am not, You prepare myself and my prince to our marriage which will be an instrument of glory and joy of Your so Nice and Good Heart Daddy. Yes, our marriage will be at the image of Christ and His Church by Your only grace, and it is worthy that you take this time to prepare it.

I also have nothing to envy to those who during the years that I was looking for my identity in You got a lot of degrees at school. This is because while they were having those degrees in the school of men, I got mine in Your school: “The Jesus’ academy.” And I know that if I could get so many degrees in the school of my Sweet Daddy, the God of gods, it is not in the school of men that I would be an exception.

Daddy, I am not a victim of all those difficulties met in my life because You make me a heroine in Jesus; You make me Your heroine, and my heart is full of joy for You my Sweet Daddy that I love so much.

I have nothing to envy to anyone because I am your princess. Your Love, Your Flame lives in me, and this is forever.

Sweet Daddy, I bless You because those words are not just from me, but from all Your children all over the world and You are worthy to receive them.

You are really worthy to receive these words my Sweet Daddy!

I love You !

Eugenie, the princess of Your Heart!



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8 août 2007 3 08 /08 /août /2007 00:00

S’ il y’ a bien une chose qui est un bonheur pour moi, c’ est de connaitre Dieu. Car en Le connaissant, Il m’ a accordé la grâce de te connaitre et de t’ aimer.

Oui, Il m’ a fait découvrir le bonheur de t’ aimer.

 Chaque jour je suis bénie d' être ta soeur,



Je suis bénie par tes paroles d’ encouragements et ta présence.

 Tu m’ es précieux et je t' aime!



S’ il m’ arrive pendant les moments difficiles de vouloir baisser les bras, alors le Seigneur me rappelle tes paroles d’ encouragements ; il me rappelle les bénédictions que tu as dites sur ma vie. Il me rappelle mon amour pour toi et ton amour pour moi et tout ceci me relève et me remet sur pied.


Je suis une personne forte. Non pas forte de moi même mais forte de ce que le Seigneur me fortifie. Il me fortifie pendant les moments privilégiés que je passe avec Lui et Il me fortifie toutes les fois où par tes paroles d’ encouragement tu me transmets un peu de la force qu’ Il te donne.


Tu partages avec moi tes moments de tristesse et aussi tes moments de bonheur et ceci parce que je suis ta soeur.


Toi et moi avons compris qu’ il y’ a un sang très puissant qui nous lie celui qui a été versé à la croix de golgotha.


Tu m’ es si précieux et chaque jour que je me lève, je pense à toi et je souris.


Le Diable est en colère de nous voir nous entendre comme nous nous entendons.


Il m’ arrive de penser à toi en sautant de joie. Oui je saute de joie d’ avoir le privilège de te connaitre, de t’ aimer et d’ être aimée par toi.

Joyeux anniversaire Carine Dombou Tchonta !

Joyeux anniversaire à toi mon amie !

J’ ai compris avec toi le sens de l’ unité du corps de Christ.

J’ ai compris avec toi qu’ il est possible d’ être un avec son frère ou sa soeur en Christ comme Jésus est un avec le Père selon qu’ Il priait lui même au Père dans Jean 17 : 11 ... garde en ton nom ceux que tu m'as donnés, afin qu'ils soient un comme nous.  Et 21afin que tous soient un, comme toi, Père, tu es en moi, et comme je suis en toi, afin qu'eux aussi soient un en nous, pour que le monde croie que tu m'as envoyé.



J’ ai compris avec toi qu’ on pourrait faire confiance à quelqu’ un sans avoir le moindre doute.

J’ ai compris avec toi qu’ il est possible d’ avoir quelqu’ un avec qui on peut penser à haute voix sans avoir peur d’ être trahie mais sachant qu’ on sera toujours aimé.

Tu connais mon coeur car je ne te l’ ai pas caché et tu acceptes de partager ce coeur avec tous les autres enfants de Dieu de même que j’ accepte de partager ton coeur avec tous les autres enfants de Dieu et ceci sans jalousie ni amertume mais avec joie et bonheur car nous savons que c’ est ca la volonté de Dieu.

Je t’ aime Carine !

Ta Eugenie








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16 juillet 2007 1 16 /07 /juillet /2007 13:41

Mon Papa Chéri!

Papa! Papa! Tu es si Bon!

Tu es si Bon Papa et je suis ivre d' amour pour Toi mon Papa Chéri!

Oh oui Papa, je suis ivre d' amour pour Toi mon Papa Chéri!

Papa! Je tombe à tes merveilleux Pieds et de Ta Merveilleuse et Puissante Main droite Tu me relèves.
Tellement je suis saoule d' amour pour Toi que je ne peux tenir debout. Alors, Tu passes Tes bras d' amour autour de mes reins pour me soutenir afin que je ne tombe pas.

Alors que Tu t' assieds, Tu me poses sur tes genoux et parce que je veux sentir la chaleur de ton Etreinte, je pose ma tête sur ton Epaule et mes bras autour de Ton Cou. Ainsi Papa, je peux T' entendre respirer et chuchoter à mon oreille: «Je t' aime Ma princesse Eugénie!»

Papa, je suis ivre d' amour pour Toi,

Oui totalement ivre d' amour pour toi.

Je n' ai rien à envier à ces jumeaux qui naissent ensemble, grandissent ensemble et meurent ensemble ou séparément car Tu es Mon jumeau qui m' a fait naître, avec qui j'  ai grandi et avec qui je vivrai pour l' éternité.

Je n' ai rien à envier à ceux dont la maman a toujours témoigné de l' amour et une attention infaillible car ma Mère est le Dieu des dieux qui m' a concu, m' a toujours témoigné et me témoignera toujours de l' amour et qui plus qu' une mère poule m' a apporté, m' apporte et m' apporteras toujours une attention infaillible.

Je n' ai rien à envier à ceux qui ont un père qui les a protégé et les a défendu car Tu es mon Père qui me protège et me défends pour la vie. Le temps ne t' affaiblira pas. Tu es le Père qui sera toujours disponible et Fort pour moi. Papa, ton nom est l' Eternel des armées et non seulement tu me défends mais Tu combats aussi pour moi et aucun Père terrestre ne peut le faire aussi bien que Toi.

Je n' ai rien à envier à ceux qui ont des frères et des soeurs dans la chair qui veillent sur eux car tu m' as donné une multitude de frères et de soeurs qui veillent non seulement sur ma santé physique mais aussi ma santé spirituelle.

Je n' ai rien à envier à ceux qui n' ont jamais été violés car j' ai été violée plusieurs fois et guérie par Toi. Et au travers de ces viols et de ta guérison, j' ai découvert que JESUS IS THE HEALER et je peux et vais par Ta force, Grâce et Amour le proclamer sur toute la terre et être une source d' encouragement pour tes enfants partout dans le monde.

Je n' ai rien à envier à ceux qui sont vierges dans la chair car ayant perdu cette virginité, j' ai par la suite eu la grâce de découvrir celle que donne l' Esprit de Dieu, Toi mon Papa Chéri

Je n' ai rien à envier à ceux qui n' ont jamais manqué à manger car au travers du manque j' ai découvert Jehovah Jireh, l' Eternel qui pourvoit. Oh Oui Papa tu pourvois toujours et ceci sans faille à tous mes besoins.

Je n' ai rien à envier à ceux qui sont déjà mariés car pendant ce temps où je ne le suis pas, tu me prépares et prépares mon prince à notre mariage qui sera un sujet de gloire et de joie pour ton si Beau et Bon coeur Papa. Oui, notre mariage sera à l' image de Christ et son Eglise par Ta seule grâce et ca vaut la peine d' attendre que tu prennes ce temps pour nous y préparer.

Je n' ai aussi rien à envier à ceux qui pendant les années où je cherchais à trouver mon identité en Toi amassaient des diplômes. Ceci parce que lorsqu' ils amassaient des diplômes dans les écoles des hommes, j' en amassais dans ton école: «La Jesus'  Academy» et je sais que si j' ai pu amasser autant de diplômes à l' école de mon Papa Chéri, le Dieu des dieux, ce n' est pas à l' école des hommes que je manquerai d' amasser.

Papa, je ne suis pas une victime de toutes ces difficultés rencontrées dans ma vie car Tu fais de moi une héroine en Jésus; tu fais de moi Ton héroine et mon coeur déborde de joie et d' amour pour Toi ce si Bon Père que j' aime tant.

Je n' ai rien à envier à personne car je suis Ta princesse. Ton Amour, ta flamme vit en moi et ceci pour toujours.

Papa, je te bénis car ces mots ne sont pas seulement de moi et ne sont pas seulement valables pour moi mais pour tous tes enfants partout dans le monde et tu le mérites Papa.

Tu les mérites mon Papa Chéri!

Je t' aime!

Eugenie , la princesse de ton coeur

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16 juin 2007 6 16 /06 /juin /2007 17:00

Mourir pour celui que j’aime


Je voudrais par le présent message t’annoncer le désir que j’ai de mourir pour celui que j’aime.


J’ai compris en fait que c’était la seule façon pour moi de lui témoigner mon amour selon que Jésus dit : Il n’ y a pas de plus grand amour que de mourir pour celui qu’on aime.

On trouvera mon idée stupide de mourir pour lui mais je sais que c’est le seul moyen de lui prouver mon amour et je sais aussi que mourir pour lui c’ est:


-         Refuser de marcher selon mes émotions mais marcher selon Son Esprit

-         Comprendre que je ne suis pas intelligente de moi même et que j’ ai besoin d’ un renouvellement total de mon intelligence car je sais que si Daniel n’ avait pas un renouvellement total de l’ intelligence, il douterait de la révélation que Dieu lui a fait sur le rêve qu’ il racontait au roi mais on constate qu’ il raconte le rêve du roi et aussi présente son interprétation avec assurance (Daniel 2 :45) Si Esaie n’ avait pas un renouvellement total de l’ intelligence, il n’ aurait pas eu la révélation que la terre est ronde au point de le croire avant que les hommes le découvrent après bien des années. Et toutes les révélations divines qui sont dans la bible n’auraient jamais été faites car je crois que c’est parce que l’apôtre Paul a eu un renouvellement total de son intelligence qu’il est ce qu’ il est jusqu’à aujourd’hui dans la vie de plusieurs chrétiens.

-         Ne plus voir la souffrance de la chair comme un supplice mais comme une bénédiction car ça veut dire que j’en finis chaque jour un peu plus avec le péché (1 Pierre 4:1)

-         c’ est avoir la vie et la vie en abondance au point où je suis une source pour plusieurs car l’ Esprit de Dieu vit en moi selon Jean 12 :24

-         Aimer et aimer encore plus.


Oui je veux mourir pour Jésus, je veux mourir pour toi et je te remercie de ce que tu sais déjà que de moi même ce n’ est pas possible et que par ton Esprit tu me fortifies afin que j’ y arrive et fasse plaisir au Père.

Je te remercie parce que tu m’accompagnes dans ce processus car tu sais mieux que quiconque ce que veut dire mourir pour celui qu’on aime car tu es mort pour moi que tu aimes. Alors tu sauras me donner de mourir pour toi que j’aime.


Je t’ aime Papa ! [img]smile/chirolp_wink.gif[/img]

Ta princesse Eugenie, la fille de ton coeur !

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14 mai 2007 1 14 /05 /mai /2007 14:33

Wow j’ai 28 ans !!

Lorsque je pense à ce jour où j’avais 16 ans : mon coeur s’était arrêté parce que la vie était un lourd fardeau et mon esprit est sorti de mon corps et je voyais mon corps étendu sur le lit pendant que je partais. Je comprenais alors que j’étais morte et que je laissais ceux que j’aimais. Et comment je t’ai supplié de me ramener dans ce corps…

Lorsque je pense encore à ces comas que j'ai souvent eus dans lesquels je combattais contre la mort et comment tu me soutenais et me ramenais a la vie…

Lorsque je pense à cette période où chaque jour qui se levait était un jour de louange parce que j’avais encore le privilège d'être parmi les vivants…

Lorsque je pense à ces moments où la mort m’appelait et me soufflait des mots pour sauter par les fenêtres des immeubles, où l'eau de la mer m' appelait pour que j' y tombe afin de m' y noyer et encore où le couteau était un instrument de fantasme sur les multiples moyens de mettre fin à mes jours…

Lorsque je pense à ces multiples produits que j' ai pris pour mettre fin à mes jours…

Oui Seigneur lorsque je pense qu'il y a eu plusieurs choses sur le chemin de ma vie qui ont toutes concouru à ce que je n'aie pas ces 28 ans, je dis : Il n' y a vraiment personne comme Toi.

Voici bientôt 2 ans que je ne connais plus ce que veut dire un état comateux mais je jouis d'une santé parfaite en Toi,

2 ans que je n'ai plus tenté de me suicider et pendant lesquels je prends plaisir a vivre dans tes bras d’amour,

2 ans que je n'écoute plus ces voix qui m' appellent au suicide mais que j'écoute la douce voix de ton Esprit me disant: « Je t' aime Eugenie!»

Seigneur, Merci pour cette vie que tu as préservée avec beaucoup d'attention. Tu as protégé cette vie de la mort que je voulais me causer ou encore de la mort que la maladie voulait me causer.

A cette période, je serais plutôt un tas de squelette dans un cercueil mais je suis une jeune, jolie femme de 28 ans qui non seulement sourit à la vie mais se plaît à travailler avec et pour toi afin que l’ennemi tremble chaque jour que je vis car chaque jour est un jour perdu pour lui et un jour gagné pour toi.

Père, que chaque jour de ma vie soit un parfum agréable pour toi. Que chaque jour je sois un instrument entre tes mains!

C'est le plus grand désir de mon coeur!


Merci mon Papa Chéri!

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