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  • : Jesus is the Healer!
  • : Site ayant pour but de découvrir ensemble Jésus qui guérit des maladies physiques comme psychologiques. Ma vie est en elle-même un témoignage. Il mŽa guérit de bien des maladies et peut aussi te guérir.
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31 octobre 2007 3 31 /10 /octobre /2007 00:49


Refuse d' etre la victime!



«C'est à toi d'accepter d’être la victime de cette déception ou de le refuser.»


Ceci est la phrase que je disais un jour à une dame âgée de plus de 30 ans et victime d'une sérieuse déception amoureuse par un pasteur. C'était tout simplement impensable qu'elle serait victime d'une déception amoureuse par le monsieur qu'elle respectait autant.



Lui dire qu'elle avait le droit de refuser d' être victime ne voulait pas dire qu' elle devait refuser la douleur que ça lui causait car refuser qu'on souffre c'est se mentir et même s'empêcher de sortir du mal qu' on ressent.


Les soucis de la vie, les deuils, les persécutions, les échecs, les abus sont des montagnes dans nos vies qui nous amènent souvent à nous sentir victime d' un système sinon victime d' un favoritisme de la part de Dieu. Lorsqu' on se trouve par exemple laid par rapport à un autre ou encore qu'on trouve qu'un autre a plus de succès dans la vie que nous, on peut se retrouver avec le sentiment que les autres sont privilégiés aux yeux de Dieu par rapport à nous ce qui est faux.



A force de lire la bible et découvrir les exemples des prophètes qui ont souffert et même de Jésus qui a tant souffert, j'ai conclu ceci dans ma vie: «Toutes les fois que je verrai quelque chose de laid, que je ne fuis pas mais cherche à y découvrir la beauté qu'elle cache et ceci ne peut se faire qu'avec Dieu. » En effet, je me suis rendue compte que toute laideur a une beauté inexprimable et inestimable qui ne demande qu'à être découverte.



Lorsque nous prenons le cas de Jésus. Avant sa naissance, Dieu l'avait présenté à ses parents comme celui qui viendrait sauver son peuple. Cependant tout porte à croire à sa naissance qu'il est  un enfant victime de malédiction. D’abord il naît dans une étable au milieu de la paille et ayant pour premier visiteur des bergers. Comment Dieu pouvait ne pas faire que son Fils qui serait le sauveur de son peuple puisse naître dans un hôtel au lieu d'une étable? A sa naissance encore ses parents doivent fuir en Egypte, pays de la servitude de ses ancêtres et à cause de lui les enfants de moins de 2 ans de l'endroit où Il est né sont tués. Si ici ses parents s'étaient fatigués et l'avaient abandonné, Marie sa mère n'aurait pas eu le privilège d'être le témoin de son premier miracle aux Noces de Cana. Toutes ces choses qui se sont passées à la naissance de Jésus ne laissaient pas entrevoir facilement qu'Il était le Fils du Dieu vivant et qu'Il guérirait les malades.



N'oublions pas encore sa mort. Voici comment sa mort est racontée par le prophète Esaie:


Esaie 53 1Qui a cru à ce qui nous était annoncé? Qui a reconnu le bras de l'Éternel?


    2Il s'est élevé devant lui comme une faible plante, Comme un rejeton qui sort d'une terre desséchée; Il n'avait ni beauté, ni éclat pour attirer nos regards, Et son aspect n'avait rien pour nous plaire.


    3Méprisé et abandonné des hommes, Homme de douleur et habitué à la souffrance, Semblable à celui dont on détourne le visage, Nous l'avons dédaigné, nous n'avons fait de lui aucun cas.


    4 ...Et nous l'avons considéré comme puni, Frappé de Dieu, et humilié.




7Il a été maltraité et opprimé, Et il n'a point ouvert la bouche, Semblable à un agneau qu'on mène à la boucherie, A une brebis muette devant ceux qui la tondent; Il n'a point ouvert la bouche.


    8Il a été enlevé par l'angoisse et le châtiment; Et parmi ceux de sa génération, qui a cru Qu'il était retranché de la terre des vivants Et frappé pour les péchés de mon peuple?


    9On a mis son sépulcre parmi les méchants, Son tombeau avec le riche, Quoiqu'il n'eût point commis de violence Et qu'il n'y eût point de fraude dans sa bouche.


    10Il a plu à l'Éternel de le briser par la souffrance...


Si tu te plains d'être laid, dis toi que Jésus l'était bien plus que toi pourtant Il était le Fils de Dieu. Si tu te plains que certaines personnes te manquent de respect, dis toi que c'était encore pire pour Jésus malgré le fait qu'Il était et est Dieu, avait guéri les malades, et a accompli des miracles, Il a été dédaigné par les siens.


Si tu te plains que Dieu t'a oublié et même que les gens disent que tu es le dernier des soucis de Dieu, dis toi que Jésus l'était aussi. Il a d' ailleurs crié sur la croix: «Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, pourquoi m'as-tu abandonné?»



Si tu as été maltraité, humilié, abusé par les gens que tu aimes et qui sont censés te protéger, dis toi que Jésus l'a vécu bien plus que toi. Il l'a vécu jusqu' à la mort.


Jésus a été bien plus victime qu’un bon nombre d'entre nous et personne ne pouvait imaginer en regardant les souffrances qu'Il vivait, quelle serait la résultante. Personne ne pouvait imaginer que derrière cette misère se cachait un trésor inestimable, car voici ce que le prophète continue de dire:


Esaie 53: Après avoir livré sa vie en sacrifice pour le péché, Il verra une postérité et prolongera ses jours; Et l'oeuvre de l'Éternel prospérera entre ses mains.


    11A cause du travail de son âme, il rassasiera ses regards; Par sa connaissance mon serviteur juste justifiera beaucoup d'hommes, Et il se chargera de leurs iniquités.


    12C'est pourquoi je lui donnerai sa part avec les grands; Il partagera le butin avec les puissants, Parce qu'il s'est livré lui-même à la mort, Et qu'il a été mis au nombre des malfaiteurs, Parce qu'il a porté les péchés de beaucoup d'hommes, Et qu'il a intercédé pour les coupables.


L'apôtre Paul continue d' ailleurs en disant:


Philippiens 2. 6lequel, existant en forme de Dieu, n'a point regardé comme une proie à arracher d'être égal avec Dieu,


    7mais s'est dépouillé lui-même, en prenant une forme de serviteur, en devenant semblable aux hommes; et ayant paru comme un simple homme,


    8il s'est humilié lui-même, se rendant obéissant jusqu'à la mort, même jusqu'à la mort de la croix.


    9C'est pourquoi aussi Dieu l'a souverainement élevé, et lui a donné le nom qui est au-dessus de tout nom,


    10afin qu'au nom de Jésus tout genou fléchisse dans les cieux, sur la terre et sous la terre,


    11et que toute langue confesse que Jésus Christ est Seigneur, à la gloire de Dieu le Père.


J ai compris au fil du temps que la souffrance d'un homme n'est vaine que lorsqu' il abandonne et refuse de se remettre entre les mains de Dieu, car toute souffrance ou montagne de la vie a une mine d'or et de diamant cachée. Les montagnes de nos vies ne peuvent se trouver aplanies que par l'Esprit de Dieu selon qu'il est écrit: Zacharie 4. 5... Ce n'est ni par la puissance ni par la force, mais c'est par mon esprit, dit l'Éternel des armées.


    7Qui es-tu, grande montagne, devant Zorobabel? Tu seras aplanie. Il posera la pierre principale au milieu des acclamations: Grâce, grâce pour elle!


Et David dit d' ailleurs dans Psaume 97. 5Les montagnes se fondent comme la cire devant l'Éternel, Devant le Seigneur de toute la terre.



Comme je disais plus haut, refuser d'être une victime ne signifie aucunement nier qu'on souffre et qu'on se trouve devant une montagne, car face à notre montagne le Seigneur voudrait nous fortifier afin que par son Esprit nous puissions faire fondre la montagne comme la cire et y découvrir la mine d'or et de diamant qui s' y trouve. Pour que le Seigneur nous fortifie, il faudrait bien qu'on crie à Lui. Jésus bien qu'étant le Fils de Dieu a crié lorsque ça n'allait pas. Alors pourquoi ne ferons nous pas la même chose? Cependant comme Jésus, crions avec respect et soumission devant notre Père Céleste, non pas comme pour lui demander des comptes mais dans le but de faire Sa volonté. Cf. Luc 22. 41... s'étant mis à genoux, il pria,


    42disant: Père, si tu voulais éloigner de moi cette coupe! Toutefois, que ma volonté ne se fasse pas, mais la tienne.


    43Alors un ange lui apparut du ciel, pour le fortifier.


Toutefois il ne serait pas bien de demeurer dans un état de lamentations mais se rappeler que nous sommes appelés à être des héros selon Juges 5:13

Alors un reste du peuple triompha des puissants, L'Éternel me donna la victoire sur les héros.


Ainsi, là où les autres ont abandonné ou ont triomphé, triomphons encore mieux afin que la gloire revienne à Dieu et que son Nom soit élevé parmi les nations car nous ne vivons plus pour nous mais pour Lui.


Ceci dit après avoir pleuré, crié à Dieu, cherché Sa face pour découvrir sa volonté dans cet état de souffrance dans laquelle nous vivons, et accepté d'être un instrument Parfait pour l'avancement de son royaume, car nous ne sommes pas d'ici mais de la Jérusalem Céleste et nous retournerons d' où nous venons lorsque le Seigneur Jésus reviendra, notre plus grand espoir et notre plus grande joie étant de le revoir, acceptons de souffrir ne serait ce qu'un peu sur cette terre afin d'être élevés par Lui le moment venu.



Jésus savait pourquoi il devait autant souffrir et malgré la douleur que ça lui causait a refusé d'être une victime. Il a refusé de demeurer dans l'angoisse mais s'est relevé après avoir crié au Père et prié pour faire Sa volonté sachant qu'à travers cette souffrance, Il serait appelé Héros des héros.


Armons nous de la même pensée que Jésus face aux difficultés. Crions à Dieu, prions afin d'avoir recours à sa force. Qu'Il nous fortifie afin que nous tenions ferme face à la force de la tempête et que Lui même par son Esprit fasse fondre comme de la cire (par son Esprit) la montagne qui se trouve dans nos vies.



Lorsque je regarde souvent mon passé et la souffrance par laquelle je suis passée, je bénis le Seigneur pour ce que je ne suis pas demeurée une victime à vie. C´était impensable de croire qu'à l'intérieur de cette montagne de problème de multiples viols, de l´abandon de sa famille face aux souffrances, des maladies, des tentatives de suicide se trouverait une mine d'or et de diamant. Mais chaque jour,  je découvre et je jouis du bonheur de ce trésor trouvé en sortant de l´état de victime que j'étais pour entrer dans le monde des héroïnes pour Jésus.


Certains me poseront la question de savoir quelle est cette mine d’or que j’ai trouvée. Pour éviter que les personnes identifient leur expérience à la mienne, j’inviterai chacun à sortir de l'état de victime dans lequel il ou elle se trouve, à découvrir sa propre mine d'or et de diamant qui se trouve dans la montagne de sa vie et à entrer dans le monde des héros et des héroïnes pour Jésus.


Eugenie de Jésus

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27 août 2007 1 27 /08 /août /2007 22:24

Sacrifice and purification


Each sacrifice is a passage through purification and the confirmation to a heart which pleases God.


Each one who really desires to experience an intimate life with God is called to make a sacrifice.


Noah for example did a sacrifice to God when he came out of the ark. Genesis 8. 20 Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. 21 The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.


 22 "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest,
       cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."


It is interesting to discover here that Noah offers to God all the clean animals and clean birds It means that it did not remain any clean animals or clean birds but he did it for His God. He made a sacrifice which will deprive him of clean species. And we all know how clean species are extremely scarce.


It is not the holocaust in itself which means something but the fact that he took something worthy to give to God showing to God that He knows that He is the One who creates all these with the whole universe and He is still able to recreate them if He wants to do it.


Abraham also who obeyed God when he left his fatherland to go in a country where he knows no one. He did not think about himself. He just wanted to obey God. An obedience which is a sacrifice; particularly when we know what it means to live in a foreign country.


At 99 he accepts the circumcision asked by God knowing how much it will pain him. But just because he wanted to obey God, he did it without complaining. After all these, having 2 sons despite the fact that God promised him descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the beach, God asked him to separate himself with the first one. When his wife asked it to him, he became really angry but for His God, he obeyed without asking any question. And as it was not sufficient, God ask him to offer his only son to him. Have a look on how God ask it to him: Genesis 22. 2 Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about."


God knows that what he asks to his servant is not easy at all. He knows it and that is why he even emphasizes on: "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love and the bible does not tell us that Abraham complains or shows that he was a little bit angry because of the request of God. But the bible says: Genesis 22. 3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about.


When Abraham behaved like that, he showed how much he had confidence in God; a strong and total confidence in the Lord that He was able to give him everything for He is the one who gives. He showed also to God that He trust Him. He knew deep in his heart how God is kind and he did not want to protect himself from God or protect his son from God because if God does not protect the one who protects, does in vain. This strong confidence in God could not do something else that to touch the heart of God. If you strongly believe that a wolf can become soft as a sheep and it works, imagine what it could be when you believe that the Almighty, Kind and Loving Father God loves you and will makes you no harm. Imagine how it may touch His heart and forces Him to work in your favour.

Today, the only sacrifice that God asks us to offer to Him is the sacrifice of our lives and with all our heart. This sacrifice is not in order to lose it but to keep it safe from the enemy who is a robber and destructor and had taken it to destroy it. Give our life to God is an act which protects our life. In order to be able to do that, we have to pass through the purification. A suffer in our flesh. The flesh suffers for it has been since our birth an instrument used by the devil. God wants to purify it so that we can be able to walk with the Holy Spirit and for us to be ready when Jesus will come back.

Let us read what Peter says in 1 Peter 4. 1Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. 2As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.

When we are purified by God, we obtain a heart which pleases God and we can then experience a sanctified life as the Holy Spirit wants us to do. And we can enjoy a great intimate life with God.

Zacharias 13.8 In the whole land," declares the LORD, "two-thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one-third will be left in it.


9 This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver
and test them like gold.


They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, 'The LORD is our God.' "


To be honest, despite the fact that it is difficult to admit it, my sincere prayer for you is hat you belong to this third part which will pass through the fire


Never forget that this fire will not burn you; it is just to purify you.






Eugenie of Jesus



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27 août 2007 1 27 /08 /août /2007 21:54

Lucas 7:47: „he who has been forgiven little loves little



We may as well understand this statement that Jesus gave to Simon as: “The one who is freed from light slavery does not love so much”



It may happen that some times when we are going through extreme suffers and we cry to God for deliverance and His silence before our misery and cries for our deliverance let us start to feel uncertain about His Love and Might. And we start to ask the questions: “Why?”, “Why me?” To this question I ask you in return: “Who else?” You will probably say as someone has just replied to me: “The wicked!”  Do you know all the difficulties that the “wicked” faced in his life? If you can find that someone is worthy to experience all the suffers that you are experiencing you prove by that the fact that you are “wicked” as well and it means that you’ve not suffered a lot to understand that it is not good to wish it but you should rather in this kind of situations pray a lot for the “wicked”.



There is another question: “Why God does not reply?”


God does not reply because He knows that it is not yet the time. Believe me if I tell you that He is suffering with you but he cannot answer for the moment because it may curse you and your relationship with Him. So: Be just patient!


Take the example of the people if . God sends him in Egyptian where He knows that he will be a slave. During these 400 years of slavery, the people of suffer so much and cry to God. We may ask ourselves why God does not do something to exit His people from this captivity.  Is it because He planned that they will be slave during 400 years? It is too long 400 years! It is more than true that 400 years is really long. But when we look at the attitude of Israel in the desert after all the signs and wonders that God performed to defeat Egyptians gods, pharaoh, and his magicians we understand why God let them suffer so much during 400 years. Many times when was crossing the desert, he complained while confronting little difficulties reproaching Moses and then God for his deliverance. Forgetting that in he was a slave. He let believe by behaving as he did that he find slavery’s state better than the least difficulties that he face despite the fact that he prays and cries to God for his deliverance and despite the fact that in front of this least difficulty he has God by his side. The One who for him: striked an empire and his gods with an extraordinary manner; in order to free him from slavery. Instead of having as reflex to cry to God as he did at the beginning without cease for his deliverance; he prefers to complain and as he is mocking of all the efforts of God, he reproaches Him for having freed him.



It happened many times in my life that I behave as and I even said: “I find better living with the devil than living with You!” I find really horrible the fact that I made such a confession. By confessing and even thinking that, I am disrespecting the sacrifice of God; the fact that He gave His Only Son to deliver me from the power of the devil. I am saying to God: “


  1. 1. it would have been better that you don’t make yourself so small as an human being by accepting men’s insults for me.


  2. 2. It would have been better that you stay insensible to my misery;


  3. 3. it would have been better that you remain on your throne instead of sending your Son to die on the cross for me.


  4. 4. It would have been better that you keep this sacrifice for you because it was non sense; it was useless! ”


  5. 5. …


What an audacity?


And when I think that after all that, He did not cease to love me and bring me back home, taking really good care of me and always showing me His love and kindness.



In fact, God knows the heart of a man and knows that a human being has an ungrateful nature. He forgets so quickly the good that you may do to him. The fact that He let us suffer for long (suffering which will not kill us but strengthen us), is a way for him to let us appreciate his grace. The attitude of shows that 400 years was not enough sufficient. His attitude shows that all the calamities that God sent to in order to oblige him to let His people go was not sufficient for him to understand what God can do for him. The attitude of shows that the fact that God divides the red sea in two parts was not sufficient for him to see His Power. And it also shows us the nature of a man’s heart.



Sometime even if it difficult for us and even for God, He let us go through big difficulties for us to learn obedience as Jesus did through afflictions. Cf.: Hebrews 5: 7During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. 8Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered 9and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him « 


Someone else had shown his great engagement for God after being forgiven by God for his multiple crimes against the Church. His engagement and love for God was so big that the whole world knows him better as the apostles who accompanied Jesus.



When Saül on the way to Damas meet Jesus, he is weak astonished to realize that it is against the Almighty God that he is fighting by killing the first Christians. It is certain that in front of this kind of vision and revelation, the first thing that Paul could desire at this moment should be to be forgiven by God.  Anyway, Jesus knows that he has in front of him a man who is afraid and it did not worry Him to say to him again :« it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. « A way to tell him that: he is nothing more than a man. And in addition to all these He accords as a cherry on the top of the cake an endurance of blindness during 3 days.


Freeing him from this blindness by one of the people he was supposed to kill.



We have to acknowledge that God is really Great and knows how to do His things not like a man but like God.


Something is sure: It was efficient and Paul became by his acts, zeal and scripts an example for many and since many centuries.



God loves you and He is more that you can imagine by your side when you suffer!



Eugenie of Jesus.



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27 août 2007 1 27 /08 /août /2007 21:17

Are you afraid to lose God’s gift?



As we all know, God is good and He shares His gifts to whom He wants, and as it pleases Him. And as we still know, it happens sometimes that men who have a gift from God behave as if it is their own property, and they do all that they can to keep it. In order to keep or protect these gifts, they require the help of other men, who like themselves need protection.


I don’t know if you find it ironic as I do, but I find it simply pathetic, and I feel a deep feeling of pity when I see people facing this kind of situation. Why am I talking about a feeling of pity? Just because those who work to keep and protect the gifts that God gives them are really anxious, sick and miserable.


When the world acknowledges in someone a particular gift, it sadly happens that this one becomes arrogant and wants to keep at all costs this gift or talent that he possess in order to receive from others: love, glory and …. By behaving like that, the one comes into in a slavery which will never end. It is the same mistake that Jeroboam did. When God took the kingdom of Israel to David’s sons with the intention to give it to him, he wanted to protect this kingdom as if he did something to have it instead of having confidence in the One who gave it to him. He found better to have confidence in his lack of confidence in him, and the bad advises of others. Let us read 1 king 12: 26-30 to see what happened. 1 king 12: 26 Jeroboam thought to himself, "The kingdom will now likely revert to the house of David. 27 If these people go up to offer sacrifices at the temple of the LORD in Jerusalem , they will again give their allegiance to their lord, Rehoboam king of . They will kill me and return to King Rehoboam."


 28 After seeking advice, the king made two golden calves. He said to the people, "It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem . Here are your gods, O , who brought you up out of ." 29 One he set up in Bethel , and the other in Dan. 30 And this thing became a sin; the people went even as far as Dan to worship the one there.


I just imagine how bad God felt himself in front of such a situation. Do you realize that Jeroboam while behaving like that did as if God made a mistake by giving him the kingdom of Israel? He showed here his lack of confidence in God and in himself.


If he had confidence in him, he could have known that he has the ability to manage his people. If God gave him this kingdom, it means that God knew that he could succeed in his king’s mission.


Unfortunately, it seems that Jeroboam found that the mission of being a king over Israel was given to him by mistake; that’s why because he was afraid to lose this privilege of being a king; he found a strategy to keep this people with him.


If He had confidence in God, he would have understood that if God gave him the kingdom of Israel, He also assured everything, so that the kingdom will remain to him in the case that he followed God’s ways. He would have also understood that nothing and no one can take back what God has given, except God Himself.



Unfortunately, while making a fixation on his incompetence, and trying to assure that he has what was already given to him, he committed a sin which let him lose his kingdom.  That’s really the task of the sin. It proposes us to co-operate with it in order to have what we already have and when we decide to co-operate with it, all our gifts are taken away and we come into a real and deep depression.


The Trust in God assures us a great serenity!


Fear is not a feeling which comes from God. It is a feeling which comes from the devil with the intention to weaken men.  It creates in a man a feeling of insecurity. In the case of a gift, the fear to lose it (the gift) comes from an egoistic and arrogant attitude.  And be assured that assuring the protections of God’s gifts by committing sins is not the best way to keep it. It is rather the best way to lose it. 


The best approach to keep God’s gift is to continue to use it in respect to His principles. At this level someone may be sure that he will always have God’s strength.


It is also important to have self confidence because God has confidence in us when He makes us a gift. What we may do in return, will be to have confidence in Him and in us. As my pastor used to say “God is a business man and He cannot invest in you when He thinks that He will lose.” Unfortunately, we are so many who do not have confidence in God and who think that God made a wrong choice when he gave us a task or a gift. That’s why we want to help Him to keep the gifts that He offered us. And when we want to help God, we fall into sins.


Many people think that they may help God. I know that I used to think like that before. It is ridiculous!  Willing to help the Ancient of days! I? A poor woman! « I thank you Lord for forgiving our unconsciousness! » 


If you have God’s gift and you are afraid of losing it, acknowledge this fear before God; ask him for forgiveness for the fact that you don’t trust Him enough and don’t trust the choice that He did which is you; ask for His help to teach you how to have confidence in Him, and start to use this gift for His glory in a good respect of His words.


I love you, but Jesus most!



Eugenie of Jesus


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27 août 2007 1 27 /08 /août /2007 01:30

Refuse curse and discouragement!


This message is more than important! Yes, it is very important to understand that we have to refuse curse and discouragement in prayers for the things, for which, we have the right to possess.

Never accept that the devil and his acolytes have won in your life. Remember that your life, your freedom and your happiness have been redeemed at a great price by the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, refuse curse and discouragement in prayer. Remember always this passage of Isaiah 53: 4-7 which says 

Isaiah 53: 4 Surely he took up our infirmities

and carried our sorrows,

yet we considered him stricken by God,

smitten by him, and afflicted.

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,

he was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,

and by his wounds we are healed.

6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,

each of us has turned to his own way;

and the LORD has laid on him

the iniquity of us all.

7 He was oppressed and afflicted,

yet he did not open his mouth;

he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,

and as a sheep before her shearers is silent,

so he did not open his mouth.


If the word of God says it, then it is true. Take in consideration that the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him and because of that, there is no reason for you to be lost, because Jesus was lost for you to be found.

I have to admit that quite often, it happens that a man in problems who has prayed for a long time becomes discouraged and begin to think that the Lord does not want to grant his heart’s desire. It may also happen that he thinks that it is a curse and there is nothing more to do for him. BUT NO! Refuse the curse because it is not yours, but pray until the miracles happens in your life. Without discouragement, pray! Knowing that you are bringing your case before the Almighty God who is not just Sovereign, but most Compassionate and who likes that we ask to him and that we pray to Him without cease.

Let us share together the experience of the prophet Elijah who was loved by God, saw and made a lot of miracles of God in his life. Let us read together 1 King 17: 17 Some time later the son of the woman who owned the house became ill. He grew worse and worse, and finally stopped breathing. 18 She said to Elijah, "What do you have against me, man of God? Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?"


19 "Give me your son," Elijah replied. He took him from her arms, carried him to the upper room where he was staying, and laid him on his bed. 20 Then he cried out to the LORD, "O LORD my God, have you brought tragedy also upon this widow I am staying with, by causing her son to die?" 21 Then he stretched himself out on the boy three times and cried to the LORD, "O LORD my God, let this boy's life return to him!"

22 The LORD heard Elijah's cry, and the boy's life returned to him, and he lived.


We can remark the fact that Elijah never said “God is Sovereign and it is possible that God wanted this child to die for a reason or another.” Elijah had refused the death of this child and knew that imploring the grace of the Lord for the son of this woman is the only way to see this child live again. He did not just know it but he knew that insisting is important. The man of God who were used to miracles of God without efforts found himself begging the Lord 3 times for the child to receive life again. And God finally answered him!


We can read another experience of Elisha who succeeded to Elijah and received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing.


Elisha gave the promise of a child to barren woman who lodged him. The woman became pregnant, and she gave birth to a child the following year as predicted by Elisha. He did not make a lot of prayers to make this prediction come to pass. The problem is, some years after, the child died.

The woman went to meet Elisha to complain. Let us read the rest of the story in 2 kings 4: 28 "Did I ask you for a son, my lord?" she said. "Didn't I tell you, 'Don't raise my hopes'?"

29 Elisha said to Gehazi, "Tuck your cloak into your belt, take my staff in your hand and run. If you meet anyone, do not greet him, and if anyone greets you, do not answer. Lay my staff on the boy's face."

30 But the child's mother said, "As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you." So he got up and followed her.

31 Gehazi went on ahead and laid the staff on the boy's face, but there was no sound or response. So Gehazi went back to meet Elisha and told him, "The boy has not awakened."

32 When Elisha reached the house, there was the boy lying dead on his couch. 33 He went in, shut the door on the two of them and prayed to the LORD. 34 Then he got on the bed and lay upon the boy, mouth to mouth, eyes to eyes, hands to hands. As he stretched himself out upon him, the boy's body grew warm. 35 Elisha turned away and walked back and forth in the room and then got on the bed and stretched out upon him once more. The boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes.


Elisha probably said to himself that if the staff touches the child, he will surely resurrect; I mean, God will probably make a miracle as He did with a staff when He split the red sea into two to let his people cross the sea. I imagine my Sweet Daddy seated on His throne saying “No my dear Elisha, this time you have to move and pray tenaciously for the life of this child”. It is interesting to realize that the woman did not discourage herself and behaved with Elisha as someone says in my country “Here, it will be your foot, my foot! I won’t move without you” And she was right! While facing the insisting spirit of this women, Elisha did not give up and did not say to himself: “This woman is worrying me! May be she was not supposed  to have child in her life since she had one when she was not waiting for, and he is dead when he was still in his childhood”

Elisha did not give up and refused the fatality in the life of this woman. It is possible that the devil did not want this woman to have children. It is possible that they were curses in the life of this woman to prevent her to have a child, but Elisha just refused them and insisted on praying to the One who can do everything. And naturally, God answered his prayer.

It happens in everyone’s life to have great trials and fights. And some fights are in prayers with perseverance. God alone knows why He wants that during the moment where we are facing some problems we pray with persistence despite the fact that with just one word He is able to change the most disastrous situation. Most of the time, God allows that we insist in prayers to forge a character in us, or else to let us appreciate what He is going to give us.

I have personally realized that men are ungrateful. You have just given something worthy to a man that he will also soon forget you. And God who loves us and who is jealous in his love for us cannot afford to see us flee from Him after a blessing He gave us. He wants to have a constant fellowship with us. It is with the intention to make this fellowship with Him possible that He let His Only Son die. So please, consider the price. He cannot pay a so huge price and afford to lose us.

Just imagine a man who gets married to a woman who likes luxurious things. The woman desires a fur coat. The husband offers it to her as soon as she opens the mouth to ask for it. And as soon as she receives the gift from a husband, she forgets him and goes to flirt with other men and comes back every time that she needs something from her husband.  How do you think that the man is going to feel?


When the woman flirts with other men, and comes back to her husband, she acknowledges the fact that her husband satisfies her, but she cannot stop flirting with other men. Sometimes you may find that she really wants her marriage to live and don’t want to lose her husband, but she has difficulties to stop flirting with her lovers. Don’t you think that it is normal for the man to feel jealous?

When God let us pray with insistence to have something that we wish to have, He learns us through this moment to approach him, to know Him more,  to love Him more than everything, to love His heart instead of His hands, to love Him for who He is and not for what He is able to give us.

Instead of discouraging ourselves for the things that we have the right to possess, let us pray relentlessly and refuse any forms of curses because Jesus carried all the curses that we were supposed to carry. While praying with perseverance, let us refuse discouragement when the answer seems to delay knowing that through this long moment of waiting, the Lord is forging a character in us.


We should just have confidence in Him!




Eugenie of Jesus


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